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Cleared cache and Chrome won't stop using old CSS

I've been developing a website locally and have uploaded the website a couple of times to my server on Siteground for testing. With this newest upload I cannot for the life of me get chrome to stop using my old css file.

I have completely cleared the cache many, many times. I have removed the CSS files from my server completely and done the same, so the site should be rendering free of any and all CSS. I have double-checked via cPanel file management to make sure there are no CSS files.

It renders as it should (with no CSS) in every other browser but still not in Chrome! I imagine this is a very simple problem with a simple answer and I am just not seeing it.

Here's the website.

What it looks like in Chrome:

Page in Chrome

What it looks like in every other browser:

enter image description here

like image 518
Dylan Stark Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 22:03

Dylan Stark

1 Answers

Try CTRL + SHIFT + R instead (shortcut key for Hard Reload in Chrome).

You can also try add ?ver=anynumber at the end of your linked css to force browsers to reload it:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/styles.css?ver=100">
like image 200
Mike Avatar answered Apr 12 '23 23:04
