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Prompt a user to login after he takes a certain action

One thing you can do on my rap lyric explanation site is "like" explanations (once you're logged in):


I'd like to show the "Like" links to users who aren't logged in, and then, when a non-logged in user clicks "Like", show him a lightbox with a "Login or Register" form (like Digg / Reddit)


What's the best way to accomplish this?

Currently I'm using this approach:

  1. Clicking "Like" POSTs to /annotations/:id/vote (the POST body indicates whether the user is liking or "unliking").
  2. The vote Annotation controller action has a require_user before_filter that looks like this:

    def require_user
      unless current_user
        flash[:notice] = "You'll need to login or register to do that"
        redirect_to login_path # map.login '/login', :controller => 'user_sessions', :action => 'new'
        return false
  3. user_sessions#new looks like this:

    def new
      @user_session = UserSession.new
      respond_to do |format|
        format.html {}
        format.js {
          render :layout => false

The problem is that the redirect doesn't seem to work correctly over javascript:


How do I get this to redirect correctly?

Also, is this the right general approach? Another thought I had was to attach a different handler to the "Like" links in javascript when there was no logged in user (but I don't think this method scales well to other actions that I'd like to handle the same way)

like image 447
Tom Lehman Avatar asked Jan 17 '10 22:01

Tom Lehman

1 Answers

There's a few problems to overcome here.

  1. Browsers in general do not allow redirecting to a POST request.

  2. redirect_to doesn't preserve format without additional input.

  3. Store location does not preserve form data.

All these problems can be solved by eliminating redirects.

Here is how I've handed it in the past:

Instead of redirecting in required_user, render. If a before filter redirects or renders the pending action is cancelled. (No need to return false either). Unfortunately going this route blurs controller boundaries. But allows for simple html fallback, and lends its self to DRYness.

The high level view of the new work flow will be:

  1. Request to annotations#vote (POST)
  2. required_user filter fails
  3. render new session
  4. submit login information and original POST data back to annotations#vote (POST)
  5. new filter in vote captures session information and logs in. vote proceeds as expected. If login fails return to 3.
  6. annotations#vote redirects/renders as it should

Start by reworking the require_user to render the user_sessions#new template.

def require_user
  unless current_user
    flash[:notice] = "You'll need to login or register to do that"
    @user_session ||= UserSession.new
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html {render :template => 'user_sessions/new'}
      format.js {
        render :template => 'user_sessions/new', :layout => false

The @user_session ||= UserSession.new ensures we can return validation errors to the form.

Now we've got to beef up your user_session#new template so that it can remember the action. Also if you plan on using lightboxes, this should be a partial rendered rendered by relevant RJS or the new.html.erb.

First we create a partial to create hidden fields preserving the POST data that would have been lost in a redirect:

<% if params[:controller] == "annotations" %>
  <% content_for :old_form do %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag "annotation[song_id]", params[:annotation][:song_id] %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag "annotation[vote]", params[:annotation][:vote] %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Then render that partial in the login partial that will occupy your lightbox:

<%= render :partial => vote_form_replica %>

<% url = params[:controller] == "user_sessions ? user_sessions_url : {} %>
<% form_tag @user_session, :url => url do |f| %>
  <%= yield :old_form %>
  <%= f.label :user_name %>
  <%= f.text_field :user_name %>
  <%= f.label :password %>
  <%= f.password_field :password %>
  <%= submit_tag %>

The empty hash for url in the form_tag looks like an error, but isn't. It ensures that the form data is posted to the url that rendered the form. Which at this point should be annotations/:id/vote

Now for the new filter to login. Essentially it will be doing what ever UserSessionsController#create does without the render/redirect. The following is copied from the RESTful authentication plugin.

def authenticate
  self.current_user = User.authenticate(params[:login], params[:password])
  if logged_in?
    if params[:remember_me] == "1"
       current_user.remember_me unless current_user.remember_token?
       cookies[:auth_token] = { :value => self.current_user.remember_token, 
         :expires => self.current_user.remember_token_expires_at }

All that's left is to make sure the filter order is right.

before_filter :authenticate, :require_user, :only => :vote

N.B.: You're probably not going to use this version of require_user without this version of authenticate so it makes sense to combine them into a single filter.

And that's it. The way this has been set up allows for robust DRY easily reuseable code. By placing the new filters into ApplicationController they're available in any controller. From this point, adding this functionality to any other controllers/actions takes only 3 simple steps:

  1. Create a new partial modelled after the vote_form_replica partial.
  2. Add the corresponding render statement to the new session template.
  3. Apply the filters to your actions.
like image 149
EmFi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
