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How to customize Gitlab LDAP authentication function?

I want to write some logs in the login function of LDAP authentication functions of my installed Gitlab.

I added the required lines in the following file (Line 3): enter image description here

And after that I did some login tries in the login form of the Gitlab.

But as you see above, the debug file doesn't created.

What am I need to do? Does it require any recompile or something?

Note that I also restarted the service using the following command, but nothing changed:

# gitlab-ctl restart

like image 834
Ebrahim Ghasemi Avatar asked Feb 12 '19 14:02

Ebrahim Ghasemi

Video Answer

1 Answers

It appears that you put the logging code in the wrong place. Try putting the logging in #login instead of ::login or look for a better hook depending on what it is you are trying to log.

See the official documentation for more information about LDAP setup and troubleshooting.

like image 51
Old Pro Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Old Pro