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Prometheus Query Overall average under a time interval

How can I find the overall average of metrics over time interval ?

avg(metric) = overall average value but

avg_over_time(metrics[interval]) = averages value per label

avg( avg_over_time(metric[scrape interval]) ) won't be same as(when the data is not continuous and denominator value is different) avg(metric) !!!!

Given a scenario, what will be the possible way to find the overall average over a time period.

Eg: Find the average response time now and Find the average response time(over all) of all the request triggered in last one hour.

The number will be helpful to notify a performance issue with latest upgrades.

like image 237
Vaisakh Rajagopal Avatar asked Aug 15 '18 13:08

Vaisakh Rajagopal

1 Answers

You need to calculate the average a bit more manually:


Note that this is for data in a gauge, you'd need a different approach for data from a counter or summary.

like image 144
brian-brazil Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
