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Are detailed logs availble in Prometheus?



I am running Prometheus in Kubernetes and running into some kube state metrics connection error. Trying to check logs, but unable to see the connection failure in the logs. Is there anyway to enable for detailed logging for Prometheus?

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user1578872 Avatar asked Feb 01 '20 06:02


People also ask

Can Prometheus monitor logs?

The log files are matches line by line using a regular expression, and the matched data is stored in different variables. Then, the data of these variables are exported via grok_exporter. Once you add the grok_exporter server to Prometheus as a target, Prometheus can monitor the desired log files via grok_exporter.

How do you check logs in Prometheus?

Logging all the queries to a file Or, if Prometheus is not launched with --web. enable-lifecycle , and you're not running on Windows, you can trigger the reload by sending a SIGHUP to the Prometheus process. The file /prometheus/query. log should now exist and all the queries will be logged to that file.

What metrics does Prometheus collect?

What Metrics Does Prometheus Collect? Prometheus gathers metrics from different systems by scraping data from HTTP endpoints. It uses this information to identify issues, such as when an endpoint is missing or should not exist or when a time-series pattern indicates a problem.

How often does Prometheus scrape?

In this case the global setting is to scrape every 15 seconds. The evaluation_interval option controls how often Prometheus will evaluate rules. Prometheus uses rules to create new time series and to generate alerts. The rule_files block specifies the location of any rules we want the Prometheus server to load.

1 Answers

Just add --log.level=debug to prometheus' startup command. Something like this:

      - args:
        - --log.level=debug
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Vladimir Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10
