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Project only some fields of array items in sub document

How can I project only particular fields of items in array in sub document?

Consider the following (simplified) example:

    "_id" : ObjectId("573d70df080cc2cbe8bf3222"),
    "name" : "Nissan",
    "models" : [
            "name" : "Altima",
            "body" : {
                 "type" : 2,
                 "maxprice" : 31800.00,
                 "minprice" : 21500.00
             "name" : "Maxima",
             "body" : {
                 "type" : 2,
                 "maxprice" : 39200.00,
                 "minprice" : 28800.00
    "_id" : ObjectId("80cc2cbe8bf3222573d70df0"),
    "name" : "Honda",
    "models" : [
            "name" : "Accord",
            "body" : {
                "type" : 2,
                "maxprice" : 34100.00,
                "minprice" : 20400.00
            "name" : "Civic",
            "body" : {
                "type" : 3,
                "maxprice" : 27900.00,
                "minprice" : 19800.00

After aggregation, I'd like to get the following output:

    "_id" : ObjectId("573d70df080cc2cbe8bf3222"),
    "name" : "Nissan",
    "models" : [
            "type" : 2,
            "minprice" : 21500.00
            "type" : 2,
            "minprice" : 28800.00
    "_id" : ObjectId("80cc2cbe8bf3222573d70df0"),
    "name" : "Honda",
    "models" : [
            "type" : 2,
            "minprice" : 20400.00
            "type" : 3,
            "minprice" : 19800.00

So it basically gets all documents, all fields of documents, all items in models array, BUT only some fields of the array items in models. Please help.

like image 731
Alex Avatar asked Nov 24 '16 21:11


1 Answers

You need to $project the "models" field using the $map operator.

    { "$project": { 
        "name": 1, 
        "models": { 
            "$map": { 
                "input": "$models", 
                "as": "m", 
                "in": { 
                    "type": "$$m.body.type", 
                    "minprice": "$$m.body.minprice" 
like image 108
styvane Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 12:11
