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Progressive Web App - Service Worker not serving start_URL

Was playing around with the progressive web app. I've trying to make web app install banner working but I keep receiving service worker does not successfully serve the manifest's start_url after I debugging using Lighthouse (Picture below). Currently I'm hosting my website using azure.

NEW: I checked all my cache, start_url, and also my service worker to see everything match. But it still gives me the same error.

enter image description here

I'm not sure if it's my start_url or my service-workerproblem. Below is my code.


  {    "short_name": "MY EXPERTS",    "name": "MYEXPERT",    "icons": [     {       "src": "Images/petronas_logo_192.png",       "type": "image/png",       "sizes": "192x192"     },     {       "src": "Images/petronas_logo_192.png",       "type": "image/png",       "sizes": "512x512"     }  ],   "background_color": "#FFFFFF",  "theme_color": "#67BCFF",  "display": "standalone",  "start_url": "/Home/Index" } 


if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js').     then(function (registration) {         // Registration was successful``         console.log('ServiceWorker registration successful with scope: ',  registration.scope);     }).catch(function (err) {         // registration failed :(         console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err);     }); } 


 self.addEventListener('install', e => {  e.waitUntil(     caches.open('airhorner').then(cache => {         return cache.addAll([             '/',             '/?utm_source=homescreen',             '/Home/About',             '/Home/Index',             '/Home/Contact'         ])             .then(() => self.skipWaiting());     })   ) });  self.addEventListener('activate', event => {  event.waitUntil(self.clients.claim()); });  self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {   event.respondWith(     caches.match(event.request).then(response => {         return response || fetch(event.request);     })   ); }); 

My Browser Cache :

enter image description here

like image 284
azriebakri Avatar asked Oct 13 '17 09:10


People also ask

Why is the start_url required for a PWA app?

The start_url tells the browser where your application should start when it is launched, and prevents the app from starting on whatever page the user was on when they added your app to their home screen.

Is service worker mandatory for PWA?

Service workers are a fundamental part of a PWA. They enable fast loading (regardless of the network), offline access, push notifications, and other capabilities. Users expect apps to start on slow or flaky network connections, or even when offline.

What is start_url in Manifest JSON?

The start_url member is a string that represents the start URL of the web application — the preferred URL that should be loaded when the user launches the web application (e.g., when the user taps on the web application's icon from a device's application menu or homescreen).

1 Answers

Noted from Register A service worker,

If we register the service worker file at /example/sw.js, then the service worker would only see fetch events for pages whose URL starts with /example/ (i.e. /example/page1/, /example/page2/).

Inline with the shown error and given in this documentation, check the following:

  1. Define a start_url property in your manifest.json file.
  2. Ensure that your service worker properly caches a resource that matches the value of start_url.

Also, check this tutorial and see if it will help you.

like image 162
Teyam Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09
