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Programming tools for a physically handicapped person

I've a friend who wants to learn web programming. He's a physically handicapped person. Actually he uses computer with a trackball and he can press keys one by one and only with one hand. So, I think that his greatest problem will be trying to write special characters that require the use of two hands (such as >,!,#, etc.). First I thought in Visual Studio (Intelissense can be a great help) but does anybody know about tools that can make even easier programming?

I know is an odd question but I'll really appreciate if someone could give me a hand here :)

Thanks in advance

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Kiko_L Avatar asked Aug 31 '11 06:08


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Examples of assistive technology include screen readers, braille displays and screen magnifiers. But they can also include equipment like mobility aids, walkers and wheelchairs.

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1 Answers

Several companies make programmable keyboards, keypads and footswitches that would make for easy access to those characters normally accessed with the shift key. Some are used as supplements to a standard keyboard, others replace the standard keyboard.

They're designed so you can apply your own labels to the keys according to the functions you assign. Some have software that lets you assign multi-step macros to single keys.

Lots of examples of such products here: http://www.fentek-ind.com/program.htm (just the first page I found with Google)

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nnnnnn Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10
