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How can I target text-based browsers?

I'd like to include mark-up that makes it easier for users of text-based browsers (links, elinks, lynx) to consume my site. I'll be able to serve this special version of the site based on useragent, however what mark-up features do text-based browsers handle especially well?

like image 967
Matthew Avatar asked Apr 27 '11 17:04


People also ask

Which browser is a text-based browser?

Lynx is a customizable text-based web browser for use on cursor-addressable character cell terminals. As of 2022, it is the oldest web browser still being maintained, having started in 1992.

Is an example of a text-based web browser?

b Lynx is a highly configurable text-based Web browser.

How do I display a specific HTML browser?

Open the Google Chrome page Open the Google Chrome page of the specific HTML that you want to inspect. Press "Control" + "U" on the keyboard and a separate page with the source code appears.

1 Answers

Your best bet is just to make heavy use of CSS for all the formatting. It's unlikely that text-based agents will support everything, so providng you drop all style info in an external stylesheet (mostly for ease of maintenance), and just use class attributes where needed, then you'll probably find the site degrades gracefully. Most (all?) browsers come with some form of developer toolbar so you can disable styles within, say, Firefox, IE, Chrome [whatever] on demand and you'll get an idea how it's likely to be seen by text-only browsers.

The only thing to be careful of is tables -- lynx doesn't support them, but other text-based browsers do (to a greater or lesser extent). Again, just make sure the page degrades gracefully as far as it possibly can.

Ultimately using CSS for all your layout and a chunk of your formatting should mean that most worries related to text-based should be resolved.

like image 78
Chris J Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 01:10

Chris J