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Programmatically set the value of a Select2 ajax

I have a Select2 auto-complete input (built via SonataAdmin), but cannot for the life of me figure out how to programmatically set it to a known key/value pair.

There's a JS Fiddle here that shows roughly what I have. What I want to know is what function I can attach to the button so that

  • the Select2 field shows the text "NEW VALUE" to the user, and
  • the Select2 field will submit a value of "1" when the form is sent to the server

I have tried all sorts of combinations of jQuery and Select2 data and val methods, called against various inputs on the page, but nothing seems to work... surely there's some way to do this?

-- Edit --

The accepted answer below is very useful, helps shed some light on the right way to initialise the selection and explains what initSelection is for.

Having said that, it seems that my biggest mistake here was the way I was trying to trigger the change.

I was using:

$(element).select2('data', newObject).trigger('change'); 

But this results in an empty add object inside select2's change event.

If, instead, you use:

$(element).select2('data', newObject, true); 

then the code works as it should, with the newObject available in select2's change event and the values being set correctly.

I hope this extra information helps somebody else!

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caponica Avatar asked Aug 20 '14 01:08


People also ask

How do I make select2 empty?

In order to clear the selection of those values which are selected using a Select2 drop down,we can use the empty() function. The dropdown can be reset using Jquery. $("#select2_example"). empty();

How do I contact select2?

Select2 will register itself as a jQuery function if you use any of the distribution builds, so you can call . select2() on any jQuery selector where you would like to initialize Select2. // In your Javascript (external . js resource or <script> tag) $(document).

How do I trigger select2?

trigger('change'); // manually trigger the `select2:select` event studentSelect. trigger({ type: 'select2:select', params: { data: data } }); }); Notice that we manually trigger the select2:select event and pass along the entire data object.

2 Answers

Note this was tested with version 4+

I was finally able to make progress after finding this discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/select2/TOh3T0yqYr4

The last comment notes a method that I was able to use successfully.


$("#selectelement").select2("trigger", "select", {     data: { id: "5" } }); 

This seems to be enough information for it to match the ajax data, and set the value correctly. This helped immensely with Custom Data Adapters.

like image 175
Mark Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09


Note: The Question and this Answer are for Select2 v3. Select2 v4 has a very different API than v3.

I think the problem is the initSelection function. Are you using that function to set the initial value? I know the Select2 documentation makes it sound like that is it's purpose, but it also says "Essentially this is an id->object mapping function," and that is not how you have implemented it.

For some reason the call to .trigger('change') causes the initSelection function to get called, which changes the selected value back to "ENABLED_FROM_JS".

Try getting rid of the initSelection function and instead set the initial value using:

autocompleteInput.select2('data', {id:103, label:'ENABLED_FROM_JS'}); 


Note: The OP has supplied the formatResult and formatSelection options. As supplied, those callback functions expect the items to have a "label" property, rather than a "text" property. For most users, it should be:

autocompleteInput.select2('data', {id:103, text:'ENABLED_FROM_JS'}); 

More info on the initSelection function:

If you search through the Select2 documentation for "initSelection", you will see that it is used when the element has an initial value and when the element's .val() function is called. That is because those values consist of only an id and Select2 needs the entire data object (partly so it can display the correct label).

If the Select2 control was displaying a static list, the initSelection function would be easy to write (and it seems like Select2 could supply it for you). In that case, the initSelection function would just have to look up the id in the data list and return the corresponding data object. (I say "return" here, but it doesn't really return the data object; it passes it to a callback function.)

In your case, you probably don't need to supply the initSelection function since your element does not have an initial value (in the html) and you are not going to call its .val() method. Just keep using the .select2('data', ...) method to set values programmatically.

If you were to supply an initSelection function for an autocomplete (that uses ajax), it would probably need to make an ajax call to build the data object.

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John S Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09

John S