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Programmatically load dialog in jQuery Mobile?

I'm trying to create dialogs in jQuery Mobile that appear when you click on a Google Maps marker.

Sample URL: http://cyclestreets.darkgreener.com/location/ (scroll to a London, UK location to see markers).

I've got part of the way there, with this code:

 google.maps.event.addListener(map_marker, 'click', function() {
     $.mobile.changePage({ url: $("#photo"), data: "id=" + marker.id, type: "GET"}, 'pop', false, true);

But, a few issues to do with styling and data:

  1. The dialog that appears is full-screen. Is there any way I can make it part-screen, like the default jQuery Mobile dialogs, and like the About and Prefs dialogs on my home page?
  2. There isn't a close link in the header - which again, there is in the default jQuery mobile dialog. Can I ensure this appears, short of adding it by hand?
  3. In the dialog's .live() event, how can I pick up the data that I have passed to it?
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Richard Avatar asked Sep 01 '11 13:09


2 Answers

function openPopup(element_id)
    $.mobile.changePage(element_id, { transition: "pop", role: "dialog", reverse: false } );
like image 57
Martin Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10


Since beta 1, to get a div to appear as a dialog, use the data-role="dialog" attribute on the div instead of data-role="page".

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ESV Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10