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Programmatically get routes in Play! Framework 2.5.x

In the play-swagger module, we used the play.routes.compiler.RoutesFileParser to get all registered routes from Play and further parse them to an API documentation:

val parsedRoutes = RoutesFileParser.parse(new File(app.classloader.getResource(routesFile).toURI))
val routes = parsedRoutes.right.get.collect {
  case (route: PlayRoute) => {
    logger.debug(s"Adding route '$route'")
    Seq(route.copy(path = route.path.copy(parts = StaticPart(prefix + "/") +: route.path.parts)))
  case (include: PlayInclude) => {
    logger.debug(s"Processing route include $include")
    parseRoutesHelper(playRoutesClassNameToFileName(include.router), include.prefix)

This results in the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: play/routes/compiler/RoutesFileParser

It seems that the RoutesFileParser became private in Play! 2.5.

What is the correct way to fetch all Play routes like in the example above?

like image 720
frank_neff Avatar asked Mar 18 '16 15:03


1 Answers

This is definitely a dependency problem. Check the dependencyTree.

If it's not already there, then add the following to the build file:

"com.typesafe.play" %% "routes-compiler" % "2.5.0"

Then this will compile and run nicely:

val routesURI = app.classloader.getResource("routes").toURI
val parsedRoutes = play.routes.compiler.RoutesFileParser.parse(new File(routesURI))

(where app is a running instance of play.api.Application)

like image 56
colinjwebb Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 00:11
