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Programmatically assigning a color to a row in DataGrid

I need to assign a color to the row I add at runtime to the DataTable. How can this be done?

like image 819
Abdul Khaliq Avatar asked Dec 04 '09 14:12

Abdul Khaliq

2 Answers

You can handle the DataGrid's LoadingRow event to detect when a row is being added. In the event handler you can get a reference to the DataRow that was added to the DataTable that is acting as your ItemsSource. Then you can update the DataGridRow's color however you like.

void dataGrid_LoadingRow(object sender, Microsoft.Windows.Controls.DataGridRowEventArgs e) {     // Get the DataRow corresponding to the DataGridRow that is loading.     DataRowView item = e.Row.Item as DataRowView;     if (item != null)     {         DataRow row = item.Row;              // Access cell values values if needed...             // var colValue = row["ColumnName1]";             // var colValue2 = row["ColumName2]";          // Set the background color of the DataGrid row based on whatever data you like from          // the row.         e.Row.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.BlanchedAlmond);     }            } 

To sign up for the event in XAML:

<toolkit:DataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"     ...     LoadingRow="dataGrid_LoadingRow"> 

Or in C#:

this.dataGrid.LoadingRow += new EventHandler<Microsoft.Windows.Controls.DataGridRowEventArgs>(dataGrid_LoadingRow); 
like image 167
Jeremy Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09


U can try this

In the XAML

<Window.Resources> <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridRow}">     <Style.Setters>         <Setter Property="Background" Value="{Binding Path=StatusColor}"></Setter>     </Style.Setters>             </Style> </Window.Resources> 

In the datagrid

<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" CanUserAddRows="False" Name="dtgTestColor" ItemsSource="{Binding}" > <DataGrid.Columns>                                 <DataGridTextColumn Header="Valor" Binding="{Binding Path=Valor}"/> </DataGrid.Columns> </DataGrid> 

In the code i have a class with

public class ColorRenglon {     public string Valor { get; set; }     public string StatusColor { get; set; } } 

When set the DataContext

dtgTestColor.DataContext = ColorRenglon; dtgTestColor.Items.Refresh(); 

If u not set the color of the row the default value is Grey

u can try this sample with this sample

List<ColorRenglon> test = new List<ColorRenglon>(); ColorRenglon cambiandoColor = new ColorRenglon(); cambiandoColor.Valor = "Aqui va un color";  cambiandoColor.StatusColor = "Red"; test.Add(cambiandoColor); cambiandoColor = new ColorRenglon(); cambiandoColor.Valor = "Aqui va otro color";  cambiandoColor.StatusColor = "PaleGreen"; test.Add(cambiandoColor); 
like image 29
DarKainSoul Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
