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Problem with template implementation (VUE) using .NET (MVC)

I'm trying to implement an external template (creating an HTML page), but I can not succeed. This page is a ASP.NET MVC page that contains a Vue app.

I want to move the template section of this component to an external file, but whenever I do this it doesn't work.

The following (below) does work, but it's not easy to maintain or build upon due to loss of text editing features.

Vue.component('my-component', { template: '#my-component' }

This is the current code and it works perfectly:

var foo = Vue.component('foo', {
<table class="table">
 <template v-for="(foo, ColName, index) in foos">
    <template v-if="index % 3 == 0">
    <td v-if="foo">{{foo}}</td>
    <td v-else> -- </td>
data: function () { 
  return {
    foos: null,
    NumColuns: 3 
mounted() { 
  .then(response => {
    this.foos = response.data                
  .catch(error => {
      this.errored = true
  .finally(() => this.loading = false)
var foo = new Vue({ 
  el: '#foo-vue' 
like image 628
Maykulino Avatar asked Jun 28 '19 18:06


Video Answer

2 Answers

To fetch the HTML template from a file you need a async component.

Documentation: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-dynamic-async.html

In your example fetch the HTML and return the promise in the Vue.component factory.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>


  <div id="app">

    var foo = Vue.component('foo', () => {
      return fetch('/template.html')
        .then((response) => response.text())
        .then((html) => {
          return {
            template: html,
            data: function () {
              return { foos: null, NumColuns: 3 }
            mounted() {
              this.foos = [{ foo: 1, ColName: "A" }];
              //  axios.get('/api/account/foo/').then(response => {
              //     this.foos = response.data
              //    })
              //   .finally(() => this.loading = false)
    var foo = new Vue({
      el: '#app'



<table class="table">
 <template v-for="(foo, ColName, index) in foos">
    <template v-if="index % 3 == 0">
    <td v-if="foo">{{foo}}</td>
    <td v-else> -- </td>
like image 185
Niels Kooiman Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10

Niels Kooiman

If your view is a razor .cshtml template then you can just extract your template to a html file and load that file to your ASP.NET MVC view as raw html code since Vue template is valid html:

<!-- in cshtml view -->
<script id="my-component" type="text/x-template">

And in your Vue component it should work with template: '#my-component' as you mentioned.

Docs: Vue: Edge Cases

P.S. You can prepare a partial view for your components or create some extension method to make code more readable and add some caching.

like image 36
Max Sinev Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10

Max Sinev