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Problem with emulator after new ADT update

After updating to ADT 12, at first it seemed ok, then I got some problems like these:

Emulator runs improperly and gives the problem I report below.

I tried to use the quick code from XML windows and it mingles the codeline. Has anyone encountered the same problems?

This is the error I got in the console after trying to run a project:

[2011-07-14 20:28:36 - cursoMC5leccion6] ------------------------------
[2011-07-14 20:28:36 - cursoMC5leccion6] Android Launch!
[2011-07-14 20:28:36 - cursoMC5leccion6] adb is running normally.
[2011-07-14 20:28:36 - cursoMC5leccion6] Performing com.wocmultimedia.cursoMC5leccion6.Main activity launch
[2011-07-14 20:28:36 - cursoMC5leccion6] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'avdGooglemarket'
[2011-07-14 20:28:36 - cursoMC5leccion6] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'avdGooglemarket'
[2011-07-14 20:28:42 - cursoMC5leccion6] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2011-07-14 20:28:42 - cursoMC5leccion6] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
[2011-07-14 20:29:57 - cursoMC5leccion6] emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'com.wocmultimedia.cursoMC5leccion6.Main activity launch'!
[2011-07-14 20:33:22 - cursoMC5leccion6] ------------------------------
[2011-07-14 20:33:22 - cursoMC5leccion6] Android Launch!
[2011-07-14 20:33:22 - cursoMC5leccion6] adb is running normally.
[2011-07-14 20:33:22 - cursoMC5leccion6] Performing com.wocmultimedia.cursoMC5leccion6.Main activity launch
[2011-07-14 20:33:22 - cursoMC5leccion6] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'avdGooglemarket'
[2011-07-14 20:33:22 - cursoMC5leccion6] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'avdGooglemarket'
[2011-07-14 20:33:24 - Emulator] WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
[2011-07-14 20:33:24 - Emulator] WARNING: SD Card image already in use: C:\Documents and Settings\Angelo Giammarresi\.android\avd\avdGooglemarket.avd/sdcard.img
[2011-07-14 20:33:24 - Emulator] WARNING: Cache partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
[2011-07-14 20:33:24 - cursoMC5leccion6] New emulator found: emulator-5556
[2011-07-14 20:33:24 - cursoMC5leccion6] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
like image 407
wocmultimedia Avatar asked Jul 14 '11 18:07


5 Answers

Delete all the "*.lock" dirs in your AVD directory, i.e. [...]/.android/avd/[youravd].avd

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Chris Browet Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10

Chris Browet

You will sometimes also need to delete snapshots.img

Path to AVD folders on Windows 7 is:

C:\ Users \ (YourUsername) \ .android \ avd \ (YourAVDsName.avd) \

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pjco Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10


Delete userdata and sdcard image files from avd folder.That will fix this error for me

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Krishna Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10


To clear the "already in use" problem without losing the state of your AVD, the specific files you need to delete are the "pid" files in the .lock directories under YourAVDName.avd. I did this while the AVD was not running, but I didn't test it without closing the AVD, so I don't know for certain if that is necessary (though it seems logical.)

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Jim E-H Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10

Jim E-H

clear your eclipse AVD (delete data with *.lock files)

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Faakhir Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10
