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Problem dealing with a space when moving JSON to Python

I am high school math teacher who is teaching myself programming. My apologies in advance if I don't phrase some of this correctly.

I am collecting CSV data from the user and trying to move it to a SQLite database via Python.

Everything works fine unless one of the values has a space in it.

For example, here is part of my JavaScript object:

Firstname: "Bruce"
Grade: ""
Lastname: "Wayne Jr"
Nickname: ""

Here is the corresponding piece after applying JSON.stringify:

{"Firstname":"Bruce","Lastname":"Wayne Jr","Nickname":"","Grade":""}

This is then passed to Python via a form. In Python, I use:

data = request.form.get("data")
data2 = json.loads(data)

I get a bunch of error messages, ending with: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Unterminated string starting at: line 1 column 250 (char 249) and the log of the first print gives:


So it seems to break on the space in "Wayne Jr".

I used what I learned here to build the basics:

I believe this JavaScript function is parsing the user data:

function changeDataFromField(cb){
   var arr = [];
   $('#enter-data-field').val().replace( /\n/g, "^^^xyz" ).split( "^^^xyz" ).forEach(function(d){
     arr.push(d.replace( /\t/g, "^^^xyz" ).split( "^^^xyz" ))

Updates based on comments:
I am using a POST request. No AJAX.

There are actually 2 inputs for the user. A text box where they can paste CSV data and a file upload option. Here is some more of the JavaScript.

// Use the HTML5 File API to read the CSV
  function changeDataFromUpload(evt, cb){
    if (!browserSupportFileUpload()) {
      console.error("The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser!");
    } else {
      var data = null;
      var file = evt.target.files[0];
      var fileName = file.name;

      if (file !== "") {
        var reader = new FileReader();

        reader.onload = function(event) {
          var csvData = event.target.result;
          var parsed = Papa.parse(csvData);
        reader.onerror = function() {
          console.error("Unable to read " + file.fileName);

      $("#update-data-from-file")[0].value = "";

  // Method that checks that the browser supports the HTML5 File API
  function browserSupportFileUpload() {
    var isCompatible = false;
    if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) {
      isCompatible = true;
    return isCompatible;

  // Parse the CSV input into JSON
  function csvToJson(data) {
    var cols = ["Firstname","Lastname","Nickname","Grade"];
    var out = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
      var obj = {};
      var row = data[i];
      cols.forEach(function(col, index){
        if (row[index]) {
          obj[col] = row[index];
        else {
          obj[col] = "";
    return out;

  //  Produces table for user to check appearance of data and button to complete upload
  function makeTable(data) {
    send_data = JSON.stringify(data);
      var table_data = '<table style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100%" class="table table-striped">';
      table_data += '<th>First name</th><th>Last name</th><th>Nickname</th><th>Grade</th>'
      for(var count = 0; count < data.length; count++) {
        table_data += '<tr>';
            table_data += '<td>'+data[count]['Firstname']+'</td>';
            table_data += '<td>'+data[count]['Lastname']+'</td>';
            table_data += '<td>'+data[count]['Nickname']+'</td>';
            table_data += '<td>'+data[count]['Grade']+'</td>';
        table_data += '</tr>';
      table_data += '</table>';
      table_data += '<p><form action="/uploaded" method="post">';
      table_data += 'Does the data look OK? If so, click to upload.  ';
      table_data += '<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Upload</button><p>';
      table_data += '<input type="hidden" id="data" name="data" value='+send_data+'>';
      table_data += '<input type="hidden" name="class_id" value="{{ class_id }}">';
      table_data += '</form>';
      table_data += 'Otherwise, fix the file and reload.';
      document.getElementById("result_table").innerHTML = table_data;
like image 849
MathGuy297 Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 23:11


1 Answers

The JavaScript can be made a lot simpler. If you do the following instead, do you have any problems with the JSON getting cut off?

document.getElementById('update-data-from-file').addEventListener('change', function(evt){
  var file = evt.target.files[0];
  document.getElementById('filename').innerText = file.name

  if (file === "")

  Papa.parse(file, {
    header: true,
    skipEmptyLines: true,
    complete: function(results) {
      json = results.data
      // Do stuff with the json here

  document.getElementById('update-data-from-file').value = ''
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/PapaParse/5.0.2/papaparse.min.js"></script>

      Upload CSV
      <input type="file" name="File Upload" id="update-data-from-file" accept=".csv" />
    <div id="filename">No file chosen</div>
like image 125
hostingutilities.com Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 06:11
