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Printing output to a command window when golang application is compiled with -ldflags -H=windowsgui



I have an application that usually runs silent in the background, so I compile it with

go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui <gofile>

To check the version at the command line, I wanted to pass a -V flag to the command line to get the string holding the version to be printed to the command prompt then have the application exit. I added the flag package and code. When I test it with

go run <gofile> -V

...it prints the version fine. When I compile the exe, it just exits, printing nothing. I suspect it's the compilation flag causing it to not access the console and sending my text into the bit bucket.

I've tried variations to print to stderr and stdout, using println and fprintf and os.stderr.write, but nothing appears from the compiled application. How should I try printing a string to the command prompt when compiled with those flags?

like image 496
Bart Silverstrim Avatar asked May 19 '14 16:05

Bart Silverstrim

People also ask

Which command is used to compile and run a go program?

Go program structure 💡 A standalone executable program is a Go program that can be built to an executable using go build command or ran using go run command. fmt. Println("Hello World!")

How do I run a compiled go program?

Add the Go install directory to your system's shell path. That way, you'll be able to run your program's executable without specifying where the executable is. Once you've updated the shell path, run the go install command to compile and install the package. Run your application by simply typing its name.

What is go command in Golang?

go build. This command is for compiling tests. It will compile packages and dependencies if it's necessary. If the package is not the main package such as mymath in section 1.2, nothing will be generated after you execute go build . If you need the package file .

1 Answers

The problem is that when a process is created using an executable which has the "subsystem" variable in its PE header set to "Windows", the process has its three standard handles closed and it is not associated with any console—no matter if you run it from the console or not. (In fact, if you run an executable which has its subsystem set to "console" not from a console, a console is forcibly created for that process and the process is attached to it—you usually see it as a console window popping up all of a sudden.)

Hence, to print anything to the console from a GUI process on Windows you have to explicitly connect that process to the console which is attached to its parent process (if it has one), like explained here for instance. To do this, you call the AttachConsole API function. With Go, this can be done using the syscall package:

package main

import (

const (
    ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS = ^uint32(0) // (DWORD)-1

var (
    modkernel32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll")

    procAttachConsole = modkernel32.NewProc("AttachConsole")


func AttachConsole(dwParentProcess uint32) (ok bool) {
    r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procAttachConsole.Addr(), 1, uintptr(dwParentProcess), 0, 0)
    ok = bool(r0 != 0)

func main() {
    ok := AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)
    if ok {
        fmt.Println("Okay, attached")

To be truly complete, when AttachConsole() fails, this code should probably take one of these two routes:

  • Call AllocConsole() to get its own console window created for it.

    It'd say this is pretty much useless for displaying version information as the process usually quits after printing it, and the resulting user experience will be a console window popping up and immediately disappearing; power users will get a hint that they should re-run the application from the console but mere mortals won't probably cope.

  • Post a GUI dialog displaying the same information.

    I think this is just what's needed: note that displaying help/usage messages in response to the user specifying some command-line argument is quite often mentally associated with the console, but this is not a dogma to follow: for instance, try running msiexec.exe /? at the console and see what happens.

like image 196
kostix Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
