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Get a simple string representation of a struct field’s type

Using Go’s ast package, I am looping over a struct’s field list like so:

type Thing struct {
    Field1 string
    Field2 []int
    Field3 map[byte]float64

// typ is a *ast.StructType representing the above   
for _, fld := range typ.Fields.List {
    // get fld.Type as string

…and would like to get a simple string representation of fld.Type, as it appears in the source code, e.g. []int or map[byte]float64.

The ast package field type Type property is an Expr, so I’ve found myself getting off into the weeds using type switches and handling every type specifically – when my only goal is to get out the plain string to the right of each field name, which seems like it should be simpler.

Is there a simple way?

like image 538
Matt Sherman Avatar asked Nov 27 '13 05:11

Matt Sherman

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(Update: to put the output into a string instead of printing it, use str := fmt. Sprintf("%#v", var) . If size matters you can use %v , but I like %#v because it will also include the field names and the name of the struct type. A third variation is %+v which will include the field names, but not the struct type.

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1 Answers

There are two things you could be getting at here, one is the type of an expression as would ultimately be resolved during compilation and the other is the code which would determine that type.

Digging through the docs, I don't believe the first is at all available. You can get at the later, however, by using End() and Pos() on Node.

Quick example program:

package main

import (

func main() {
    src := `
        package foo

    type Thing struct {
    Field1 string
    Field2 []int
    Field3 map[byte]float64

    fset := token.NewFileSet()
    f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", src, 0)

    if err != nil {

    // hard coding looking these up
    typeDecl := f.Decls[0].(*ast.GenDecl)
    structDecl := typeDecl.Specs[0].(*ast.TypeSpec).Type.(*ast.StructType)
    fields := structDecl.Fields.List

    for _, field := range fields {
        typeExpr := field.Type

        start := typeExpr.Pos() - 1
        end := typeExpr.End() - 1

        // grab it in source
        typeInSource := src[start:end]



This prints:


I through this together in the golang playground, if you want to mess with it.

like image 191
Kevin Montrose Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

Kevin Montrose