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printf rounding behavior for doubles

Can someone explain this behavior? I am well aware of machine-level representation of floating point numbers. This seems to be related to printf and its formats. Both numbers are represented exactly by floating-point notation (check: multiplying by 64 gives an integer).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  double x1=108.765625;
  printf("%34.30f\n", x1);
  printf("%9.5f\n", x1);
  printf("%34.30f\n", x1*64);

  double x2=108.046875;
  printf("%34.30lf\n", x2);
  printf("%9.5f\n", x2);
  printf("%34.30f\n", x2*64);


> 108.765625000000000000000000000000
> 108.76562
> 6961.000000000000000000000000000000
> 108.046875000000000000000000000000
> 108.04688
> 6915.000000000000000000000000000000

Note, the first number gets rounded down, and the second one gets rounded up.

like image 441
user443854 Avatar asked Apr 27 '12 20:04


People also ask

Does Sprintf round?

Note that the value returned by sprintf is rounded, due to the specified print format.

How do I round in printf?

You have to use external commands because there is no built-in rounding feature in printf(1) , and the POSIX shell doesn't have built-in floating-point arithmetic. To round to the nearest decimal digit, you add 0.5 and truncate. To round to the nearest tenth, you divide the "nudge factor" by 10, and so forth.

1 Answers

It's "round half to even" or "Banker's rounding". The last digit of the rounded representation is chosen to be even if the number is exactly half way between the two.

"For the GNU C library, the rounding rule used by printf() is "bankers rounding" or "round to even". This is more correct than some other C libraries, as the C99 specification says that conversion to decimal should use the currently selected IEEE rounding mode (default bankers rounding)."

like image 110
Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Daniel Fischer