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C++11 resources and compilers [closed]




What is the recommended resource(s) for learning the new features in C++11? Is there any book on it yet? Does latest versions of g++/Visual Studio support it?

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softwarematter Avatar asked Oct 01 '11 23:10


1 Answers

The current versions of g++ and VC++ each support some features of C++11, but neither supports everything (overall, I'd say g++ currently supports more of the new features though). MS has revealed what they plan to add to the next version of VC++; the short summary is "not a lot". Both do, however, have some fairly important new features covered pretty well (e.g., both seem to handle lambdas pretty well).

As far as resources like books go, they're currently pretty meager. C++ Concurrency in action (by Anthony Williams) covers the new threading library, but that's nearly the only one (and it's obviously covers only one new aspect).

like image 183
Jerry Coffin Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

Jerry Coffin