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Print output to webpage Django



I currently have a long running script which produces various output. What I want to do is have this script run when a button on my webapp is pressed, and for the output to be displayed in real time in a text area on the webpage. I was wondering the simplest way to achieve this using Django.

like image 637
user3277112 Avatar asked Mar 03 '14 17:03


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1 Answers

If you are talking about real time output then you need to use AJAX.

To set off the script, in the webpage you can have a button that sends an AJAX request.

function ajax_call_model(data_JSON_Request, object_id){
    $(function jQuery_AJAX_model(){
          type: 'GET',
          url: '/ajax_request/',
          data: something,
          datatype: "json",
          success: function(data) {
          error: function() {alert("failed...");}

In views you will have something like this:

def ajax_request(request):
    something = request.GET.get('something', '')# Receives from AJAX
    output = #Does something with the request
    jsonDump = json.dumps(str(output))

    return HttpResponse(jsonDump, content_type='application/json') 
like image 132
DGDD Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09