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Print out only headers in Rails request

I know how to access a header in Rails


However, I want to get all headers passed by a browser. I see that I can enumerate it

request.headers.each { |header| ... } 

However, this will spit out both headers and other environment variables. Is there a way to get only headers?

Update 1

My problem isn't interation. My problem is distinguising between environment variables and headers. Both of them will be reported while interation using each or keys.

like image 363
Victor Ronin Avatar asked Feb 26 '15 06:02

Victor Ronin

2 Answers


By convention, headers do not usually contain dots. Nginx even rejected requests with dots in headers by default. So I think it's quite a safe assumption to go with.

On contrary, all rails environment garbage is namespaced e.g. action_dispatch.show_exceptions, rack.input etc.

These two facts conveniently suggest a way to distinguish external headers from internal variables:

request.headers.env.reject { |key| key.to_s.include?('.') } 

Works neat.

Benchmarking a bit

Note, that include?('.') implementation works about 4 times faster than matching =~ /\./

Benchmark.measure { 500000.times { hsh.reject { |key| key.to_s =~ /\./ } } }  => real=2.09 Benchmark.measure { 500000.times { hsh.reject { |key| key.to_s.include?('.') } } }  => real=0.58 

Hope that helps.

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Oleg Afanasyev Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Oleg Afanasyev

By using

request.headers.each { |key, value|  } 

This is iterating your requested header with (key+value), but if you want specific values you have to use key name like, HTTP_KEYNAME because whenever HTTP request come it will append HTTP to keys and be sure about uppercase because it is case sensitive.

for example:

if we have passed auth_token as header request parameter and want to access, we can use this.

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Patel Maimit Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Patel Maimit