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Print multi-dimensional array using foreach [duplicate]

How to print multi-dimensional array using for-each loop in java? I tried, foreach works for normal array but not work in multi-dimensional array, how can I do that? My code is:

class Test
   public static void main(String[] args)
      int[][] array1 = {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}};
      for(int[] val: array1)
like image 474
Santhoshkumar Sivaji Avatar asked Oct 06 '12 14:10

Santhoshkumar Sivaji

1 Answers

Your loop will print each of the sub-arrays, by printing their address. Given that inner array, use an inner loop:

for(int[] arr2: array1)
    for(int val: arr2)

Arrays don't have a String representation that would, e.g. print all the elements. You need to print them explicitly:

int oneD[] = new int[5];
oneD[0] = 7;
// ...


The output is an address:


However, the libs do supply the method deepToString for this purpose, so this may also suit your purposes:

like image 112
pb2q Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09
