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PrimeNG - p-dataTable height set by number of rows

I'm trying to find a solution to fix the dataTable height.

The table has pagination added. Changing the page to the second page where the number of rows are lower as on initial page (in our case first page) the dataTable height will be changed.

like image 708
Kutas Tomy Avatar asked Feb 04 '23 17:02

Kutas Tomy

1 Answers

For me it worked with the following css statement:

::ng-deep .ui-datatable-scrollable-view .ui-datatable-scrollable-body {
    min-height: 400px;
    border: 1px solid #D5D5D5;

::ng-deep targets inside the primeNg element < p-dataTable > . The min-height: 0px of the ui-datatable-scrollable-body class will be overwritten by your desired min-height.

Two css selectors are used instead of one to increase the css selector's specificity.

I created the following plunker that illustrates how it works.


like image 78
Aris Panagiotopoulos Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 17:02

Aris Panagiotopoulos