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primeng confirmation service




I have a component which uses confirmation service, as follows

    moduleId: module.id,
    templateUrl: 'account-list.component.html',
    providers: [AccountService],
    selector: 'account-list'

deleteAccount(Account: Account) {
        header: 'Delete Confirmation', message: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this account?',
        icon: 'fa fa-trash',
        accept: () => {
                res => {
                    let index: number = this.Accounts.findIndex(n => n.account_id === Account.mc_account_id);
                    if (~index) {
                        this.Accounts.splice(index, 1);
                    this.msgs.push({ severity: 'Info', summary: 'The account is deleted' });
                err => {
                    this.msgs.push({ severity: 'Error', summary: err.message });


This component works fine as stand alone. When using this component as a child component, the confirmation service is triggered two times. I.e. when I would like to delete an object i need to click more than one time the accept or reject button.

I use this component in rowexpantion in data table component as follows:

<template let-parent pTemplate="rowexpansion">
        <div class="outer" *ngIf="parent">
            <div class="inner">
                <account-list [parentId]="parent.parent_id"> </account-list>


In this example my component is used to show the accounts details for a Datatable for the parent component, each time I expand a row of the parent table, then I need to click one more time the accept or reject buttons. Regards

like image 795
Adam Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 20:08


Video Answer

1 Answers

Based on primeng Docs

key: Optional key to match the key of confirm object, necessary to use when component tree has multiple confirm dialogs.

Since I am using a tree of nested component , I needed to add a key for each confirmation service as follows in the html template

<p-confirmDialog key="account"></p-confirmDialog>

in the ts code I need also to specify the key as follows:

                header: 'Delete Confirmation',
like image 183
Adam Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 13:12
