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Vue.js - What is the self modifier




I am learning Vue.js. Currently, I'm trying to understand eventing. In Vue, there are Event Modifiers. I understand the purpose of all of them except for the self modifier. What is the self modifier? It seems like the stop modifier does the same thing as self. When would I use self?

Thank you for any help. I feel like i have to be misunderstanding something. I just don't see the purpose of self.

like image 734
Gary Avatar asked Mar 13 '17 12:03


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1 Answers

If a parent node and child node are registered with same type of event then when that type event dispatches then handlers of parent and child are called.

Here is an example fiddle.

Try removing self from click event modifier of the parent div then click on the child div.

  1. First the child handler is called.
  2. Parent handler is called.

    <div class="parent" v-on:click="log('from parent')">
      <div class="child" v-on:click="log('from child')">

If you put back self modifier and clicking on the child div doesn't call the parent handler.

like image 183
Srinivas Damam Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 06:10

Srinivas Damam