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Price of in-app purchases shown on screen(with currency)

I want the buttons that you have to tap to buy something to show the price of that.

For example: "5 coins €0,99"

But if I create a UIlabel with exactly that text, Americans will also see the price in € instead of usd.

Now how can I set the price where it adjust to the currency the user lives in? I saw it on some games so I am convinced that this is possible.

thank you!

like image 521
sdd Avatar asked Mar 06 '15 19:03


People also ask

How do you find out the cost of in app purchases?

Locate “In-App Purchases” heading and tap it. (If In-App Purchases are available, it will say “Yes” and have a downward-pointing carat beside it.) After tapping the entry, a list will be revealed showing all of the app's In-App Purchases and the price of each one.

How can I set country specific pricing for in app purchase products?

Open Play Console and go to the App pricing page (Products > App pricing). Click Set price. Review the table in the "Local prices" section. In the "Price" column, review the local prices for each country.

How come the App Store doesn't show prices?

Question: Q: No prices shown in App store Answer: A: Many, many apps are free to download and then have in-app subscriptions. Those apps show a "Get" button instead of a price on the download button.

1 Answers

If purchases are done via Apple App Store (using StoreKit framework) you need to get price + currency from SKProduct object (prices will vary).



  1. you need to perform request to load available products
var productID:NSSet = NSSet(object: “product_id_on_itunes_connect”);
var productsRequest:SKProductsRequest = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: productID);
productsRequest.delegate = self;
  1. Request delegate will return SKProduct.
func productsRequest (request: SKProductsRequest, didReceiveResponse response: SKProductsResponse) {
    println("got the request from Apple")
    var validProducts = response.products
    if !validProducts.isEmpty {
        var validProduct: SKProduct = response.products[0] as SKProduct
        if (validProduct.productIdentifier == self.product_id) {
        } else {
    } else {
  1. SKProduct contains all needed information to display localized price, but I suggest to create SKProduct category that formats price + currency to user current locale
import StoreKit

extension SKProduct {

    func localizedPrice() -> String {
        let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
        formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
        formatter.locale = self.priceLocale
        return formatter.stringFromNumber(self.price)!


Information taken from here and here.

Swift 4

import StoreKit

extension SKProduct {
    var localizedPrice: String {
        let formatter = NumberFormatter()
        formatter.numberStyle = .currency
        formatter.locale = priceLocale
        return formatter.string(from: price)!
like image 72
f3n1kc Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
