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preview email development in PHP





Once or twice a year i find myself in the position of having to develop complex emails. They often include Plaintext and Html versions, along with attachments and other headers.

Previewing the development using standard send/receive is painfully slow and tedious.

What i'm looking for is a local testing platform that processes the mail function and provides a mail client style preview with access to alternate views, headers, etc. Or possibly a real mail client that can take mail directly.

I've searched and searched but no luck so far, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance. TT

like image 974
Tracey Turn Avatar asked Feb 18 '23 14:02

Tracey Turn

1 Answers

I'm not sure if this is what you want but you can use your localhost mail and access it via thunderbird for example

How do I read local email in thunderbird? - Ask Ubuntu

Via this way you don't have to wait endless for mail to be delivered as it's local. And you can see your send mail in a actual mail client

like image 101
Ponsjuh Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 15:02
