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Prevent universal links from opening in `WKWebView`/`UIWebView`

When user tap on a universal link in WKWebView, the corresponding app will be opened (if installed).

This is described in Apple Search Programming Guide

If you instantiate a SFSafariViewController, WKWebView, or UIWebView object to handle a universal link, iOS opens your website in Safari instead of opening your app. However, if the user taps a universal link from within an embedded SFSafariViewController, WKWebView, or UIWebView object, iOS opens your app.

In my app, I have a WKWebView, but I don't want the user to go out of my app. I want to handle the link within my WKWebView.

How do I prevent universal link from opening? Or can I know if a URL could be handle by other apps?

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samwize Avatar asked Jul 19 '16 05:07


People also ask

What is the difference between UIWebView and WKWebView?

Difference Between UIWebview and WKWebViewUIWebview is a part of UIKit, so it is available to your apps as standard. You don't need to import anything, it will we there by default. But WKWebView is run in a separate process to your app,. You need to import Webkit to use WKWebView in your app.

Is UIWebView deprecated?

Apple is phasing out UIWebView, which is used by developers for integrating web content into an app in a quick and secure manner. Apple is replacing UIWebView (and WebView) with WKWebView, an updated version, as UIWebView has been deprecated.

What does UIWebView mean?

Android is powered by Chrome. Mobile Safari UIWebView. The UIWebView is different from the ordinary Safari browser, as it is not a stand-alone browser, but merely browser functionality that is embedded in a third party app that allows the app to display content from the web.

Is WKWebView the same as Safari?

WKWebView - This view allows developers to embed web content in your app. You can think of WKWebView as a stripped-down version of Safari. It is responsible to load a URL request and display the web content. WKWebView has the benefit of the Nitro JavaScript engine and offers more features.

1 Answers

Base on @none 's answer, here is an example for Swift 4

I've tested it and it does work!

func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) {
    decisionHandler(WKNavigationActionPolicy(rawValue: WKNavigationActionPolicy.allow.rawValue + 2)!)
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徐竟峰 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09
