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Prevent Sharing of Y Axes in Seaborn Relplot

I'm having trouble getting seaborn's relplot function to plot with different y axes on each row (while sharing x axes per column).

I can see that both the FacetGrid and catplot methods in seaborn have a sharex/sharey keyword argument that would solve my problem, but I can't find a similar one in relplot.

Is there some way I can work around this if it's intended by accessing the subplots returned by relplot individually? I would like to continue using relplot as it handles figure sizing perfectly while FacetGrid has a lot of issues in that area. Thanks.

like image 622
Sooraj Achar Avatar asked May 29 '19 15:05

Sooraj Achar

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1 Answers

This can be done by passing a dictionary with FacetGrid keyword arguments to relplot, like this:

facet_kws={'sharey': False, 'sharex': True}

(See seaborn.relplot documentation.)

like image 127
blizzard Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10
