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Prevent routerLink action in Angular 2

I have a link:

<a routerLink="/test" (click)="testClick($event)">Test link </a>

I wanted to do in testClick function something like this:

testClick(event:any) {
    if (..some expression..) {
        //custom popup confirmation
        //if true --> event.preventDefault();
    } else {
        // go to link

But calling preventDefault doesn't work. How can I fix it?

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Buckethead Avatar asked Nov 01 '17 15:11


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How do I stop routerLink?

Angular's standard way to enable/disable navigation from a given route is to implement a CanDeactivate route guard. Similarly, you can implement a CanActivate route guard to enable/disable navigation to a given route.

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What is the difference between [routerLink] and routerLink ? How should you use each one? They're the same directive. You use the first one to pass a dynamic value, and the second one to pass a static path as a string.

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In Angular, RouterLink is a directive for navigating to a different route declaratively. Router. navigate and Router. navigateByURL are two methods available to the Router class to navigate imperatively in your component classes.

2 Answers

There is an issue for this on github: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/21457

In the meantime, you can help yourself with putting some more logic into the routerLink directive:

<a [routerLink]="someExpression ? [] : '/test'" (click)="testClick()">Test link</a>

This way you need to handle your expression twice: once in the link and once in the code; but on the other hand you don't have to care about the event at all, since it will propagate normally but the router will simply ignore it.

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Yasammez Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10


You can wrap your link's text with span element and bind event handler on this span:

<a routerLink="/test"><span (click)="testClick($event)">Test link</span></a>

And your handler:

function testClick($event: MouseEvent) {
    if (expression) {
        // do something
    // navigates to /test
like image 24
Vitaliy Alekask Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10

Vitaliy Alekask