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Prevent Marshal From Escaping Quotes on String Field of Struct




I am having an issue parsing the following structure, where JsonData is a string of JSON stored in a database.

type User struct {
    Id          uint64  `json:"user_id"`
    JsonData    string  `json:"data"`

user := &User {
    Id: 444,
    JsonData: `{"field_a": 73, "field_b": "a string"}`,

If I json.Marshal this, it will escape the quotes but that will give me the JSON:

    "user_id" : 444,
    "data": "{\"field_a\": 73, \"field_b\": \"a string\"}"

Is there a way to tell the marshaller to avoid escaping the JsonData string and putting it in quotes, so it looks like this?

    "user_id" : 444,
    "data": {"field_a": 73, "field_b": "a string"}

I would prefer to not jump through too many hoops like creating an entirely new User-like object and/or unmarshaling/remarshaling the string etc.

like image 650
BlinkyTop Avatar asked Jul 21 '14 08:07


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1 Answers

Seems like RawMessage is what you are looking for:

RawMessage is a raw encoded JSON object. It implements Marshaler and Unmarshaler and can be used to delay JSON decoding or precompute a JSON encoding.

Playground: http://play.golang.org/p/MFNQlISy-o.

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Ainar-G Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 15:10
