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Prevent inserting overlapping date ranges using a SQL trigger

I have a table that simplified looks like this:

create table Test
 ValidFrom date not null,
 ValidTo date not null,
 check (ValidTo > ValidFrom)

I would like to write a trigger that prevents inserting values that overlap an existing date range. I've written a trigger that looks like this:

create trigger Trigger_Test
on Test
for insert
 if exists(
  select *
  from Test t
   join inserted i
   on ((i.ValidTo >= t.ValidFrom) and (i.ValidFrom <= t.ValidTo))
  raiserror (N'Overlapping range.', 16, 1);
  rollback transaction;

But it doesn't work, since my newly inserted record is part of both tables Test and inserted while inside a trigger. So the new record in inserted table is always joined to itself in the Test table. Trigger will always revert transation.

I can't distinguish new records from existing ones. So if I'd exclude same date ranges I would be able to insert multiple exactly-same ranges in the table.

The main question is

Is it possible to write a trigger that would work as expected without adding an additional identity column to my Test table that I could use to exclude newly inserted records from my exists() statement like:

create trigger Trigger_Test
on Test
for insert
 if exists(
  select *
  from Test t
   join inserted i
   on (
    i.ID <> t.ID and /* exclude myself out */
    i.ValidTo >= t.ValidFrom and i.ValidFrom <=t.ValidTo
  raiserror (N'Overlapping range.', 16, 1);
  rollback transaction;

Important: If impossible without identity is the only answer, I welcome you to present it along with a reasonable explanation why.

like image 509
Robert Koritnik Avatar asked Oct 26 '10 11:10

Robert Koritnik

2 Answers

I know this is already answered, but I tackled this problem recently and came up with something that works (and performs well doing a singleton seek for each inserted row). See the example in this article: http://michaeljswart.com/2011/06/enforcing-business-rules-vs-avoiding-triggers-which-is-better/

(and it doesn't make use of an identity column)

like image 103
Michael J Swart Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 18:09

Michael J Swart

Two minor changes and everything should work just fine.

First, add a where clause to your trigger to exclude the duplicate records from the join. Then you won't be comparing the inserted records to themselves:

select *
  from testdatetrigger t
   join inserted i
   on ((i.ValidTo >= t.ValidFrom) and (i.ValidFrom <= t.ValidTo))
  Where not (i.ValidTo=t.Validto and i.ValidFrom=t.ValidFrom)

Except, this would allow for exact duplicate ranges, so you will have to add a unique constraint across the two columns. Actually, you may want a unique constraint on each column, since any two ranges that start (or finish) on the same day are by default overlapping.

like image 31
Bill Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
