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How to update one table from another one without specifying column names?

I have two tables with identical structure and VERY LARGE number of fields (about 1000). I need to perform 2 operations 1) Insert from the second table all rows into the fist. Example:

INSERT INTO [1607348182]
FROM _tmp_1607348182;

2) Update the first table from the second table but for update i can't found proper sql syntax for update.

Queries like:

Update [1607348182]
set [1607348182].* = tmp.*
from [1607348182]
inner join _tmp_1607348182 as tmp on tmp.recordid = [1607348182].recordid


Update [1607348182]
from [1607348182]
inner join _tmp_1607348182 as tmp on tmp.recordid = [1607348182].recordid

are invalid.

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amuliar Avatar asked Oct 08 '10 14:10


People also ask

How can I UPDATE one column from one table to another in SQL?

In such a case, you can use the following UPDATE statement syntax to update column from one table, based on value of another table. UPDATE first_table, second_table SET first_table. column1 = second_table. column2 WHERE first_table.id = second_table.

Can you modify the rows in a table based on values from another table?

You can update an entire row in one table with values from a row in another table. Suppose that a master class schedule table needs to be updated with changes that have been made in a copy of the table. The changes are made to the work copy and merged into the master table every night.

How do you UPDATE a table from another table in SQL?

We can update the table using UPDATE statement in SQL. The update statement is always followed by the SET command. The SET command is used to specify which columns and values need to be updated in a table.

How do you insert and UPDATE data from one table to another?

The SQL INSERT INTO SELECT Statement The INSERT INTO SELECT statement copies data from one table and inserts it into another table. The INSERT INTO SELECT statement requires that the data types in source and target tables match. Note: The existing records in the target table are unaffected.

2 Answers

Would it work to delete everything from the master table that had an ID in temp, then do an insert with the new data?

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Kendrick Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09


Not sure if you'll be able to accomplish this without using dynamic sql to build out the update statement in a variable.

This statement will return a list of columns based on the table name you put in:

select name from syscolumns
where [id] = (select [id] from sysobjects where name = 'tablename')

Not sure if I can avoid a loop here....you'll need to load the results from above into a cursor and then build a query from it. Psuedo coded:

set @query = 'update [1607348182] set '
load cursor --(we will use @name to hold the column name)
while stillrecordsincursor
set @query = @query + @name + ' = tmp_[1607348182]. ' +@name + ','
load next value from cursor

When the query is done being built in the loop, use exec sp_executesql @query.

Just a little warning...building dynamic sql in a loop like this can get a bit confusing. For trouble shooting, putting a select @query in the loop and watch the @query get built.

edit: Not sure if you'll be able to do all 1000 rows in an update at once...there are logical limits (varchar(8000)?) on the size that @query can grow too. You may have to divide the code so it handles 50 columns at a time. Put the columns from the syscolumns select statement into a temp table with an id and build your dynamic sql so it updates 20 columns (or 50?) at a time.

Another alternative would be to use excel to mass build this. Do the column select and copy the results into column a of a spreadsheet. Put '= in column b, tmp.[12331312] in column c, copy column a into column D, and a comma into column e. Copy the entire spreadsheet into a notepad, and you should have the columns of the update statement built out for you. Not a bad solution if this is a one shot event, not sure if I'd rely on this as a on-going solution.

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Twelfth Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
