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Prestigio Multipad PMP3370B USB Driver

I am trying to setup USB debuging on Prestigio Multipad. I followed this link http://blog.itfiser.cz/android-adb-with-prestigio-multipad-pmp5080cpro-and-win7/ but I can't find setting Storage -> USB Computer Connection (Android version 4.0.3).

When I try to update driver (under Device Manager->Disk Drives->PMP3370B Device) to Google driver (located ../android-sdks/extras/google/usb_driver) it says that the driver is up to date.

I also added Vendor ID to %user_dir%/.android/adb_usb.ini , restart adb, but still no success. How do I Anyone with similar issues?

like image 656
Loadeed Avatar asked Oct 23 '12 07:10


1 Answers

I know this answer comes a bit late, but here it is what it worked for me (I have PMP7100D, Prestigio Multipad).

Follow all the steps from the link (blog) you've provided.

What you should do extra is to install the Adb Driver Installer (http://adbdriver.com/downloads/) and correctly install the drivers for the Prestigio (step by step explanation found here: http://adbdriver.com/documentations/how-to-use-android-adb-driver-installer-for-windows-xp-vista-7-8.html). After this, when you open USBDeview your tablet should be under changed name (with the same VendorID), as shown in the screen shot below:

enter image description here

Also, make sure that your adb_usb.ini file look like this: enter image description here

Lastly do the following steps:

Open command line at %android_sdk%\platform-tools\

adb kill-server

adb start-server

adb devices

The end result should be something like: enter image description here

like image 52
ViksaaSkool Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 19:11
