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Preserve autoscale when clearing axes in matplotlib

I want to make a series of plots (meant for creating an animation) and thus I want to reuse the axes and preserve the x and y limits across all plots, so I set ax.autoscale(False). However, when I clear the axes using plt.cla() to draw the next image, the autoscale setting is overridden so I have to set ax.autoscale(False) and the x and y limits on every iteration.

In [49]: fig = plt.figure(1)

In [50]: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

In [59]: ax.get_autoscale_on()
Out[59]: True

In [60]: ax.autoscale(False)

In [61]: ax.get_autoscale_on()
Out[61]: False

In [62]: plt.cla()

In [63]: ax.get_autoscale_on()
Out[63]: True

so I end up doing ax.lines = [] or ax.lines.pop(), but this forces me to set the color on each plot to avoid the color cycling. If I set hold to False, then the autoscale setting is reset every time I call ax.plot(). Is there any other way to preserve the axes properties while removing all plots?

like image 222
astrojuanlu Avatar asked May 27 '12 09:05


1 Answers

Don't call plt.cla(), it will clear current axes. If you want to create animation, use matplotlib.pyplot.draw() instead which will redraw the current figure and I think it's what you want.

from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

line1, = ax.plot(x,y,label='x')

for i in xrange(20):
 #update your data to new x,y

The CookBook of Matplotlib has some good examples on animations, you may want to check it out.

like image 116
Mayli Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
