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Change property parameter from within class constructor [Python / Traits]

I'm new to python - sorry if my terminology is wrong. I have a class which inherits the Enthought Traits attributes. Here is a simplified version:

from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Range
from enthought.traits.ui.api import View, Item

class GUIThing(HasTraits):

    my_slider = Range(0.0, 0.6, 0.1)
    my_slider._high = 0.7   # works; not what I need 'coz not instance-dependent

    view = View( Item('my_slider') )

    def __init__(self, arg1):
        # Call the parent's __init__

        self.my_slider._high = arg1  # what I need; doesn't work

# -- Main program -----

top_range = 0.9

my_gui = GUIThing(top_range)

This simply creates a window with a slider in it, originally going from 0.0 to 0.6 with initial value 0.1. When creating an instance of GUIThing I want to vary the maximum value for the slider depending on the current top_range value. However the line

self.my_slider._high = arg1

results in

AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute '_high'

When within __init__(), self.my_slider returns not the slider object, but the current value of the slider.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks!


The following also doesn't work:

class GUIThing(HasTraits):

    def __init__(self, arg1):
        # Call the parent's __init__

        self.my_slider = Range(0.0, arg1, 0.0)

    view = View( Item('my_slider') )

That would be the direct way to do what I'm trying to do, but it results in a GUI where instead of a slider, there is a text box that reads "enthought.traits.trait_types.Range object at 0xa61946c". So the problem is that when my_slider is created within __init__() then "my_slider" comes to mean the object itself (which doesn't display properly via View); but if my_slider is created outside of __init__() then "my_slider" comes to mean the current value (a float; which prevents access to the object properties).

Not sure if this is peculiar to Traits or I just don't know how to initialise objects properly.

like image 748
Pteridium Avatar asked Mar 31 '12 13:03


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1 Answers

Finally found the answer in a recent mailing list message.

The code below works. It seems the devil is in the details of how Range() is called: Range(my_slider_low, my_slider_hi, 0.1) does not work.

from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Range
from enthought.traits.ui.api import View, Item

class GUIThing(HasTraits):

    my_slider_low = 0.0
    my_slider_hi = 1.0

    my_slider = Range(low='my_slider_low', high='my_slider_hi', value=0.1)  

    def __init__(self, arg1):
        self.my_slider_hi = arg1 

    view = View( Item('my_slider') )

top_range = 0.2

my_gui = GUIThing(top_range)
like image 63
Pteridium Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09
