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prepareForSegue Freezes after updating to iOS9

Strange issues that I've spent the last 24 hours trying to fix.

I have an app which was working perfectly fine. I updated Xcode for iOS9 now one of 5 push segues wont perform the action. I can breakpoint within 'prepareForSegue' and everything appears to run correctly, but soon as it exits the function the phone CPU maxes out and just sits there. The GUI doesn't do anything. I've tried many things from creating a new viewcontroller and using the same segue link and everything works. Its only this one viewcontroller I cannot perform a 'performSegueWithIdentifier' to. I've commented ALL code from this viewcontroller and still nothing. Theres nothing special about it compared to those that do work. I'm totally stuck now, anyone have ideas?

Sorry if im being vague, please ask for any details I've failed to note here.

Thanks Dean

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Deano Roots Avatar asked Sep 18 '15 10:09

Deano Roots

1 Answers

So after completely rebuilding the issue view controller i have identified the cause of the error. Very strange indeed, i have a UITextView on the View with default text of 'Notes...'......remove this and all works ok. Cant believe this is the cause but hey....Must be a bug in iOS9 where default text is placed in text view's via the storyboard.

Thought id place my findings incase someone else comes across similar problems

like image 57
Deano Roots Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 17:09

Deano Roots