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Preferred 3d model format of THREE.JS [closed]

What is the preferred 3d model format of THREE.JS which is widely used by 3d modelling softwares (can export to that format). I ask this, because I have my 3d models in an own unique format, and would like to use them in THREE.JS. While I could write an own loader, but I think it's better to convert them to a standard format.

like image 698
balazs Avatar asked Jun 28 '12 11:06


People also ask

What file types does three Js support?

three. js provides loaders for many other popular formats like FBX, Collada or OBJ as well. Nevertheless, you should always try to establish a glTF based workflow in your projects first.

What is the format of a 3D model?

3D file formats are used for storing information about 3D models. You may have heard of some of the most popular formats, including STL, OBJ, FBX, and DAE. They're widely used in a variety of applications, from video game animation to industrial additive manufacturing.

What is the most common 3D model format?

Since . obj is the most popular 3D format, it is supported by the majority of software. For instance, Maya, XSI, Blender, MeshLab, 3D Studio Max и Rhinoceros 3D ,Modo, Cinema 4D, and many more. 3ds Max is one of the file formats used by Autodesk 3ds software.

1 Answers

We have our own JSON Geometry format.

You can use these:

  • Editor (drag your object into the window, select it and select File/Export Geometry)
  • Blender exporter
  • Python script from OBJ to JSON
like image 55
mrdoob Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
