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Powershell Group By Multiple Properties



I am trying to determine if there's an easier way to write a Powershell function that groups an array by multiple properties and sums specified properties in the group, similar to the following:

#Ungrouped data
ID ID2 Value
-- --- -----
A  A1    100
A  A2    200
A  A2    300
B  B1    400
B  B1    500
B  B1    600
B  B3    700
C  C1    800
C  C2    900
C  C1   1000

#Grouped data
ID ID2 Sum Value
-- --- ---------
A  A1        100
A  A2        500
B  B1       1500
B  B3        700
C  C1       1800
C  C2        900

Here's what I have so far:

$grouped = $ungrouped | group ID, ID2
$grouped | foreach {
    [pscustomobject] @{
        ID = $_.group | select -unique -expand ID
        ID2 = $_.group | select -unique -expand ID2
        'Sum Value' = ($_.group | measure value -sum).sum

This works for me, but I just get the feeling I'm overdoing it and there may be a more concise way to write this, especially if I was grouping by more properties and wanted to sum up or aggregate more grouped values.

Thanks in advance for the help!

like image 634
LoganTheSnowEater Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 00:06


1 Answers

I have the same, perhaps a bit simpler, I remove two |

$grouped = $ungrouped | group ID, ID2
$grouped | foreach {
    $b= $_.name -split ', '
    [pscustomobject] @{
         ID = $b[0];ID2 = $b[1]
        'Sum Value' = ($_.group | measure value -sum).sum

One liner :

Import-Csv 'YourFile.csv' | Group-Object -Property ID,ID2 | % {$b=$_.name -split ', ';$c=($_.group | Measure-Object -Property value -Sum).Sum;[PScustomobject]@{ID=$b[0];ID2=$b[1];Sum=$c}}
like image 60
JPBlanc Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10
