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Kill Process in VS2012 Package Manager Console

Doe anyone know how to kill a process in the VS2012 Package Manager Console. Pressing Control-C does not seem to kill processes like it does in the standard powershell.

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mdeangelo272 Avatar asked Jan 29 '13 19:01


People also ask

How do you stop a command in Package Manager console?

If you want to close the Package Manager Console window, please use SHIFT + ESC to close current opened window in Visual Studio.

What is Package Manager console in Visual Studio?

The Package Manager Console in Visual Studio uses PowerShell commands to interact with NuGet packages. You can use the console when there's no way to do an operation through the Package Manager UI. You can also use dotnet CLI or NuGet CLI commands in the console.

How do I open the package manager console in Visual Studio?

From Visual Studio, select Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console. After the Package Manager Console pane opens, verify that the Default project drop-down list shows the project in which you want to install the package.

How do I uninstall NuGet package manager?

To uninstall a NuGet package, follow these steps: Load a project in Solution Explorer, select Project > Manage NuGet Packages, and then select the Installed tab. Select the package to uninstall in the left pane (use the Search box to find it, if necessary), and then select Uninstall from the right pane.

1 Answers

Found it. There is a button on the window in visual studio. I did not see it because of my window configurations.

Kill Process in Package Manager Console

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mdeangelo272 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10
