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Postman: How to view response of a previous request from history?



In the left panel shows the History tab, which I can view previous requests I've made. When I click any of the previous requests, it displays the URL and key-values used, but doesn't show the response.

Is there a way to view the old response?

enter image description here

like image 868
evilReiko Avatar asked Feb 12 '17 05:02


1 Answers

Yes, there is a way to show previous responses but not via History tab.

What you should do is:

  1. To Save your response when you get it: enter image description here
  2. To select in and click on it: enter image description here
  3. Then you'll see your previously saved response: enter image description here


In recent updates Postman added possibility to view saved responses from History tab: enter image description here

like image 195
Denis Koreyba Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 13:10

Denis Koreyba