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posting jquery .serializeArray(); output through ajax

Quick question

If I have serialized a form using jquery's .serializeArray(); function do I need to do anything to it before I can send it off using jquery's ajax data:?

e.g. can I send off

[{name: inp1, value: 'val1'}, {name: inp2, value: 'val2'}] as is, or do I need to preprocess it somehow?

and, in php how would I read this?

like image 532
Hailwood Avatar asked Feb 01 '11 11:02


1 Answers

It would be better here to use serialize. This converts your form's values into a simple string that can be used as the AJAX call's data attribute:

var myData = $('#yourForm').serialize();
// "inp1=val1&inp2=val2"
    url: "http://example.com",
    data: myData

Presuming you send this to PHP using the GET method, you can access these values using $_GET['inp1'] and $_GET['inp2']

Edit: You can convert an array made by serializeArray into a parameter string using $.param

var myData = $('#yourForm').serializeArray();
// remove items from myData
    url: "http://example.com",
    data: $.param(myData) // "inp1=val1&inp2=val2"
like image 94
lonesomeday Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 10:11
