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How to reset a dropdown list in jquery so nothing is selected?



I have this drop down list in a modal

<div class="control-group">
    <label class="control-label" for="selectInsert01">Country Name:</label>
    <div class="controls">
        <select id="selectInsert01" class="input-xlarge with-search" data-bind="foreach: citiesModel.countriesList">
            <option data-bind="text: Name, value: CountryID"></option>

Every time I select something and exit the modal and than open it again the selected value in the dropdown list is still selected. How do I reset the values so nothing is selected when I exit the modal

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Marko Kosanovic Avatar asked Oct 29 '13 13:10

Marko Kosanovic

People also ask

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Select remove() Method The remove() method is used to remove an option from a drop-down list. Tip: To add an option to a drop-down list, use the add() method.

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val () method in jQuery: This method is used to get the values of form elements or set the value of attribute used for the selected elements. Syntax: $(selector). val ();

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To remove the options of an HTML element of select , you can utilize the remove() method: It's important to remove the options backwards; as the remove() method rearranges the options collection. This way, it's guaranteed that the element to be removed still exists!

3 Answers

On modal close

$("#selectInsert01 option:eq(0)").prop("selected", true); //set option of index 0 to selected
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tymeJV Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10


This worked for me. Hope it helps.

$("#selectInsert01 option:selected").removeAttr("selected");
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You Rule Avi Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10

You Rule Avi

If you have used bootstrap class selectpicker in your drop-down list:

$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('val', '-1');

You can also refer this link: http://www.jquerybyexample.net/2012/03/how-to-reset-dropdown-using-jquery.html

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Prabhjyot Saini Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10

Prabhjyot Saini