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PostgreSQL multiple count() where conditions in a single query




I normally execute the following SQL queries in PostgreSQL 9.1 sequentially via psycopg2 every couple of seconds:

select count(type) from bag where type= 'fruit';
select count(type) from bag where type= 'vegtable';
select count(type) from bag where type= 'other';
select count(type) from bag where type= 'misc';

Is it possible to do the same thing in a single select query such that I get a count for each type even if that count is zero. The following would work if it gave me the zero counts when there are zero for a given type.

 select type, count(*) from bag group by type;

Thank you,

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user2695222 Avatar asked Oct 12 '13 06:10


People also ask

How do I get multiple counts in SQL?

You can count multiple COUNT() for multiple conditions in a single query using GROUP BY. SELECT yourColumnName,COUNT(*) from yourTableName group by yourColumnName; To understand the above syntax, let us first create a table. The query to create a table is as follows.

How do I COUNT multiple columns in PostgreSQL?

You can use GROUP BY on two columns. In the following query, I use group by 1, 2 -- this is a convenient way to group by on the first two columns from SELECT clause. Also, I put two different count() to the query – probably, you will find that in your case it's more semantically correct to use count(distinct ..) .

What is COUNT (*) in PostgreSQL?

The PostgreSQL COUNT function counts a number of rows or non-NULL values against a specific column from a table. When an asterisk(*) is used with count function the total number of rows returns. Syntax: COUNT (* | [DISTINCT] ALL | column_name)

How do I create a COUNT query in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL COUNT SELECT SELECT COUNT ( [*], [DISTINCT] [column_name] ) FROM TABLE_NAME; Let's dig a little deeper into the syntax shown above: SELECT – This is used to select certain columns from the database. COUNT – This is used to count the number of records in this table.

2 Answers

Use derived table as anchor of the query:

select a.type, count(b.type) 
from (values ('fruit'), ('vegtable'), ('other'), ('misc')) as a(type)
    left outer join bag as b on b.type = a.type
group by a.type

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Roman Pekar Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

Roman Pekar

There can be many possible solutions for this. One is by generating all desired type in a subquery using UNION ALL and do a LEFT JOIN against bag table. In this case, all the types that you want to get will be shown on the result list and the non-existing type on table bag will have zero count. This will almost work on all RDBMS.

SELECT  a.type,
        COUNT(b.type) TotalCount
            SELECT 'fruit' AS type UNION ALL
            SELECT 'vegtable' AS type UNION ALL
            SELECT 'other' AS type UNION ALL
            SELECT 'misc' AS type 
        ) AS a
        LEFT JOIN bag AS b
            ON a.type = b.type
GROUP   By a.type
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John Woo Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10

John Woo