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PostgreSQL 9 install on Windows: "Unable to write inside TEMP environment path."

I am attempting to install PostgreSQL 9 (postgresql-9.0.3-1-windows.exe) on my WinXP machine and get the following error at the start:

Unable to write inside TEMP environment variable path.

Some googling around yielded some advice that suggested Windows Scripting Host might be disabled. I've checked and WSH is definitely enabled, so it must be something else. Question is, what?

I can see a file called prerun_checks.vbs is created in %TEMP% and when I try to run this manually, I get the following:

enter image description here

Which looks like a permissions error. However, I am an Admin, and I've given myself full control of the temp folder and it's still not working.

Any help appreciated.

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Charles Roper Avatar asked Mar 07 '11 19:03

Charles Roper

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Why is PostgreSQL not installing?

If you encounter an error about being unable to create the postgres service user, turn off any antivirus programs and re-run the installer. >\database directory and manually set the permissions for the \data subdirectory. If the subdirectory \data does not exist, create. Then uninstall PostgreSQL and re-install.

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The use of the PostgreSQL environment variables is not required.

1 Answers

In my case the solution was related to NotePad++ being the default application for opening .vbs files. If you have the same situation, here's an elaborate solution:


In a nutshell, in the registry, you need to go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.vbs, and set the (Default) entry back to the string VBSFile.

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Zach-M Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 22:10
