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mysqldump: Got error: 1449:




mysqldump: Got error: 1449: The user specified as a definer('root'@'') does not exist when using LOCK TABLES

kindly give the solution on above error.

like image 846
Sharathkumar Vattikunta Avatar asked Oct 27 '14 07:10

Sharathkumar Vattikunta

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1 Answers

Its better to use first mysqldump with --single-transaction, like:

mysqldump --single-transaction -u root -p mydb > mydb.sql 

If above not working try below one.

You have to replace the definer's for that procedures/methods, and then you can generate the dump without error.

You can do this like:

UPDATE `mysql`.`proc` p SET definer = 'root@localhost' WHERE definer='[email protected]' 

3rd party edit

For mysql 8.0 the table proc does no longer exist. Try

 SELECT * FROM information_schema.routines; 
like image 94
prashant thakre Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10

prashant thakre