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Postgres windowing (determine contiguous days)

Using Postgres 9.3, I'm trying to count the number of contiguous days of a certain weather type. If we assume we have a regular time series and weather report:


I want something count the contiguous days of the same weather. The results should look something like this:


I've been banging my head on this for a while trying to use windowing functions. At first, it seems like it should be no-brainer, but then I found out its much harder than expected.

Here is what I've tried...

Select date, weather, Row_Number() Over (partition by weather order by date)
  from t_weather

Would it be better just easier to compare the current row to the next? How would you do that while maintaining a count? Any thoughts, ideas, or even solutions would be helpful! -Kip

like image 392
Kip Avatar asked Feb 18 '16 20:02


4 Answers

You need to identify the contiguous where the weather is the same. You can do this by adding a grouping identifier. There is a simple method: subtract a sequence of increasing numbers from the dates and it is constant for contiguous dates.

One you have the grouping, the rest is row_number():

Select date, weather,
       Row_Number() Over (partition by weather, grp order by date)
from (select w.*, 
             (date - row_number() over (partition by weather order by date) * interval '1 day') as grp
      from t_weather w
     ) w;

The SQL Fiddle is here.

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Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10

Gordon Linoff

I'm not sure what the query engine is going to do when scanning multiple times across the same data set (kinda like calculating area under a curve), but this works...

WITH v(date, weather) AS (
('2016-02-10','Snow') ),
changes AS (
SELECT date, 
    CASE WHEN lag(weather) OVER () = weather THEN 1 ELSE 0 END change
    , weather
    ,(SELECT count(weather) -- number of times the weather didn't change
      FROM changes v2 
      WHERE v2.date <= v1.date AND v2.weather = v1.weather
        AND v2.date >= ( -- bounded between changes of weather
            SELECT max(date) 
            FROM changes v3 
            WHERE change = 0 
            AND v3.weather = v1.weather 
            AND v3.date <= v1.date)  --<-- here's the expensive part
    ) curve
FROM changes v1
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Kirk Roybal Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10

Kirk Roybal

Here is another approach based off of this answer.

First we add a change column that is 1 or 0 depending on whether the weather is different or not from the previous day.
Then we introduce a group_nr column by summing the change over an order by date. This produces a unique group number for each sequence of consecutive same-weather days since the sum is only incremented on the first day of each sequence.
Finally we do a row_number() over (partition by group_nr order by date) to produce the running count per group.

select date, weather, row_number() over (partition by group_nr order by date)
from (
  select *, sum(change) over (order by date) as group_nr
  from (
    select *, (weather != lag(weather,1,'') over (order by date))::int as change
    from tmp_weather
  ) t1
) t2;

sqlfiddle (uses equivalent WITH syntax)

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Kenney Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10


You can accomplish this with a recursive CTE as follows:

        1 AS consecutive_days
    FROM My_Table T
        NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM My_Table T2 WHERE T2.my_date = T.my_date - INTERVAL '1 day' AND T2.weather = T.weather)
        CD.consecutive_days + 1
        CTE_ConsecutiveDays CD
    INNER JOIN My_Table T ON
        T.my_date = CD.my_date + INTERVAL '1 day' AND
        T.weather = CD.weather
FROM CTE_ConsecutiveDays
ORDER BY my_date;

Here's the SQL Fiddle to test: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!15/383e5/3

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Tom H Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10

Tom H