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Postgres: aggregate column into array



I have the following two tables:

# select * from list;
  list_id |         name
        9 | Popular
       11 | Recommended


# select * from list_item;
 list_id | game_id | position 
      11 |       2 |        0
       9 |      10 |        1
      11 |       5 |        1
      11 |       4 |        4
      11 |       6 |        2
      11 |       7 |        3
       9 |       3 |        0

I want an array of game IDs per list like so:

 list_id |     name    | game_ids
       9 | Popular     | {3,10}
      11 | Recommended | {2,5,6,7,4}

I came up with the following solution but it seems rather complicated especially the bit where I get the completed array using distinct on and last_value:

with w as (
    array_agg(game_id) over (partition by list_id order by position)
  from list
  join list_item
  using (list_id)
  distinct on (list_id)
  last_value(array_agg) over (partition by list_id)
from w

Any suggestions how to simplify this?

like image 382
peterwimsey Avatar asked Aug 08 '16 19:08


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1 Answers

Here is a better solution as suggested by Abelisto in the comments:

  array_agg(game_id order by position)
from list
join list_item
using (list_id)
group by list_id, name
like image 158
peterwimsey Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09
