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Aggregate function to detect trend in PostgreSQL

I'm using a psql DB to store a data structure like so:

datapoint(userId, rank, timestamp)

where timestamp is the Unix Epoch milliseconds timestamp.

In this structure I store the rank of each user each day, so it's like:

UserId   Rank  Timestamp
1        1     1435366459
1        2     1435366458
1        3     1435366457
2        8     1435366456
2        6     1435366455
2        7     1435366454

So, in the sample data above, userId 1 its improving it's rank with each measurement, which means it has a positive trend, while userId 2 is dropping in rank, which means it has a negative trend.

What I need to do is to detect all users that have a positive trend based on the last N measurements.

like image 719
maephisto Avatar asked Feb 26 '14 10:02


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1 Answers

One approach would be to perform a linear regression on the each user's rank, and check if the slope is positive or negative. Luckily, PostgreSQL has a builtin function to do that - regr_slope:

SELECT   user_id, regr_slope (rank1, timestamp1) AS slope
FROM     my_table
GROUP BY user_id

This query gives you the basic functionality. Now, you can dress it up a bit with case expressions if you like:

SELECT user_id, 
       CASE WHEN slope > 0 THEN 'positive' 
            WHEN slope < 0 THEN 'negative' 
            ELSE 'steady' END AS trend
FROM   (SELECT   user_id, regr_slope (rank1, timestamp1) AS slope
        FROM     my_table
        GROUP BY user_id) t

Unfortunately, regr_slope doesn't have a built in way to handle "top N" type requirements, so this should be handled separately, e.g., by a subquery with row_number:

-- Decoration outer query
SELECT user_id, 
       CASE WHEN slope > 0 THEN 'positive' 
            WHEN slope < 0 THEN 'negative' 
            ELSE 'steady' END AS trend
FROM   (-- Inner query to calculate the slope
        SELECT   user_id, regr_slope (rank1, timestamp1) AS slope
        FROM     (-- Inner query to get top N
                  SELECT user_id, rank1, 
                         ROW_NUMER() OVER (PARTITION BY user_id 
                                           ORDER BY timestamp1 DESC) AS rn
                  FROM   my_table) t
        WHERE    rn <= N -- Replace N with the number of rows you need
        GROUP BY user_id) t2
like image 83
Mureinik Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
